recent blog posts
Curated Retention
AS WE ROLL FROM APRIL INTO MAY, IT FELT NATURAL TO PULL ON A THREAD THAT WAS PART OF OUR APRIL THEME OF CLEARING OUT: RETENTION. Because sometimes amidst the fervor of Clearing Out, the flush of liberation that often accompanies acts of release, letting go, dusting until everything sparkles
Clearing Out Made Manifest
Following on our theme of Clearing Out for this month, let’s shift to the next stage in the process – actively working with the YES and NO piles that came from your Last Season’s Accumulations exercise. Thus far, the choices you’ve made are seated primarily in intention, not instant actuation.
Clearing Out
This time of year, I get a little mad. As in loony, zealous, dotty, wacky. I start to feel the rising itch to shed all the heavy winter layers, of which there are always many. And it usually seems to happen overnight.
The Pulse of Spring
Can you hear it? That pulse? The steady thrum of ground beginning to rise and fall, earth turning over on itself as it stretches from a long, luxurious nap, ready to uncurl its winter-frozen spine? You may not hear it right away.