
Seat of the Buddha

Rest back.
Settle into the parts of you
that you cannot see,
the spine
the shoulder blades
the tailbone
the part of your heart
that you keep safely
hidden away.
Resist the temptation to
be always forward,
eyes and organs
exhausting under
the strain of
hyper vigilance,
the body becoming
a one dimensional ode
to feverish anticipation.
Fill yourself backward,
into the seat of
the Buddha, the place
of your ancestors,
of remembered truths and
accumulated wisdom,
where access to
faith, equanimity and
inner knowing lies.
Only when you arrive
here, inhabited
from the back forward
will you be able to
gain the perspective
you long for, see your place
in the whole of the universe,
access the trust and
surrender required
to weather this storm.

©Kimberly Jonas


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