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UPHEAVAL isn’t usually something we welcome with open arms. A guest that we prepare for assiduously, fluffing the pillows, uncorking our best bottle of wine so that we may have a civil, well-tailored conversation. Upheaval most often arrives unannounced, blowing us over with its seemingly overnight arrival, its ungracious, selfish
The Dark Side of Winter Solstice
Usually at this time of year, when the hours of daylight are few, I’m working with the notion of the Dark as a nurturing presence. The place where I can curl up, come to more quiet, listen deeply to my internal rhythms. However, I recently had an experience that reminded
Post Election : Cracked
In the sea of response to this week’s election, I find myself feeling increasingly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of material. What I have come to realize is that a commitment to my own equanimity is paramount, lest I eventually succumb to a build-up that sneaks up on me, unawares.
These Turbulent Times
These are turbulent times. No one left untouched by the circumstances of both Nature and Man, the two often converging to create outcomes unthinkable. Some days, we are running selflessly into fires and floods to pluck our neighbors from certain death. Others, standing at the fence between us, arms crossed,